High River United Church of High River, Alberta

Meet Our Ministers and Staff
Rev. Susan Lukey  & Rev. David Robertson

Rev. Susan Lukey & Rev. David Robertson

Ministry Team

Susan & David are a clergy couple who have served High River for more than 25 years. They are passionate about their team ministry with the congregation as it seeks to live out its mission as community of help, home and hope.


Susan has been in ordained ministry for more than 30 years and loves worship preparation and preaching, supporting children and families, and walking with people through the grief and joys of life. She is has completed Advanced Studies with the Neufeld Institute focusing on the developmental approach to raising children. She holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta, a Master of Divinity and a Master of Theology from the Vancouver School of Theology, a professional teaching certificate and a Certificate in Death and Grief Studies from the University of Colorado.  Her book, Adventures in Faith & Family, published in August 2021, features her passion for supporting families in faith.


daveA graduate of Conrad Grebel University College, The Vancouver School of Theology, the Pacific Jubilee Program in Spiritual Direction and Advanced Studies with the Neufeld Institute (Parent Consulting), David brings humor, joy and passion to the practice of theology, pastoral ministry and the musical arts. David has training as a choral director from the Church Music Summer School at Perkins Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas.  He is committed to the wisdom of the Christian Faith and finding ways to make it a source of strength and hope for everyone.  For David, the Christian life needs to make sense, be credible, relevant, transform lives and make a difference in the world.

Grace Pinkney


Holly Kingdon

Communications and Office Coordinator
[email protected] | Phone: 403-652-3168



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123 MacLeod Trail S.W. High River, Alberta.

(403) 652-3168


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