What To Expect
High River United Church is located in the heart of High River on MacLeod Trail. Our building is on the site of Buck Smith’s Stopping House, where stage coaches stopped on their journey to and from Calgary and where the first worship services were held in High River.
We are committed to being a vibrant and active part of downtown life, offering space for the community to gather and welcoming all who enter our doors.
Are you looking for an inclusive Christianity? WE ARE IT!
We welcome you to join us at High River United Church!
This congregation is an inclusive community,
Where we value compassion, diversity, respect, and courage.
We embrace many expressions of faith.
Your presence here matters.
In the safety of this community,
we pray that you will find the hope, healing and peace you need.
In this sanctuary of help, home and hope,
may you know the wonder of God’s presence and the joy of God’s love.
Children, youth and adults of all ages welcome. Come and add to the JOY.
What do I wear?
You are welcome to wear whatever feels comfortable to worship. Some people enjoy dressing up on Sunday mornings. Others like to dress more casually. We’re not worried about what you wear to church. We just want to welcome you to join us.
What is worship like?
Our worship services last for about 1 hour and 20 minutes, from 10:00 am to 11:20 am. Our worship is a mixture of formal and informal time, action and quiet, words and reflection, singing and story and sermon. Our adult
choir offers a piece of music most Sundays. Other musicians join in the music on drums, guitar and violin. Sometimes we have drama. Sometimes the children or youth lead us in worship. Sometimes we invite people to chat with each other. Most weeks there is a sermon offered by one of our ministers on the topic and scriptures for the day.
We share in the communion meal once a month. We celebrate the sacrament of baptism several times a year as arranged with those requesting baptism. While every service has a similar order, starting with Gathering, moving to Receiving the Word, and ending with Responding to the Word, we are open to incorporating many different ways of listening for God’s Spirit moving among us.
Do you welcome other faiths?
Yes, we welcome and recognize other faith groups. While we are a Christian congregation and our language and stories talk about following the Way of Jesus, we acknowledge that there are many paths to God, each offering gifts and compassion in this world. The Muslim Community of High River found a home worshipping in our building until they were able to set up their own facility. Members of the Baha’i community in High River sometimes attend our worship or Bible studies. Some of our families are of mixed faiths and enjoy worshipping together at High River United. We continually seek to build bridges and work in cooperation with those of other faiths, learning from other faith practices even as we continue our commitment to the Way of Jesus.
What other activities might I check out?
Our church community is so much more than Sunday morning worship. At various times of the year, we host study groups and artistic activities. We have various gatherings for concerts and meals together. We have a variety of fitness groups who use our facility. Our library is always open. Our Youth group gathers for fun and service to the community. Our garage sales and Christmas Market allow for items to be re-used in a new home. This and much more is on the go in our facility. Our One World Market shelves offer beautiful items from around the world which are on sale in the church office. Check out the Programs & Activities tab for more information.

Can I bring my baby?
Absolutely YES! We welcome children, adults, seniors and youth, and yes, babies. Just as Jesus welcomed the children and sat them on his knee, so we too welcome the littlest ones as an important part of our congregation. Parents and babies may stay in the congregation through the service. We understand that babies make all sorts of noises. Most of us have our own children and know the joys of the tiniest folk.
If you need to stand up or leave the sanctuary during the service, don’t worry. Just do what you need to do. If your little one is fussy or needs somewhere to play and move, our Infant-Toddler room has a big window looking into the sanctuary so that you can see and hear the service. The toys are cleaned weekly by volunteers from FAIM (Foothills Advocacy in Motion). In the Infant-Toddler Room you can meet other parents of young children. So choose where you feel comfortable, but do come to worship.
Can I bring my coffee/tea into the sanctuary?
We ask that only travel mugs or water bottles be brought into the sanctuary. About one Sunday a month after church, we have coffee, tea, juice and water ready and waiting for us to share in our Gathering Hall. Please stay and enjoy some conversation and getting to know people.
Do I have to volunteer?
We welcome your participation in one of our projects or on one of our teams or in helping in various ways around the church with our ministry and mission. The choice is yours about whether you wish to volunteer for any given project or for a team within the church. New people to the congregation find that joining in on a project or team is a great way to get to know others in the church and make friendships and connections. Offering our time and energy to the congregation is one way that we show our love for God and for neighbor.

How can I volunteer?
Watch our announcements all year long for projects, activities and teams which are looking for volunteers.
Or speak with one of our ministers about how you would like to participate, and skills, passions and time you’d like to offer and they’ll help you discern the best way to join in.