Church Council
We are grateful to the people who have offered their time and energy to the oversight ministry of our church. Please feel free to contact any of these people (through the church office) with your ideas and reflections on our life together as a congregation.
Chair: Marlene Podwysocki
Secretary: Debra Olmsted
Treasurer: Brian Fea (Interim)
Ministers: Rev. David Robertson and Rev. Susan Lukey
Regional Rep: rep to Council vacant - Our two regional reps will provide written reports
Trustee Rep: Patti-Ann Pryma
Ministry & Personnel: Mark Smillie
Members-at-large: Dean Harrison, Randy Jones, Judy Wallbridge
Tom Mansfield Dale Lissel
Doug Elliott Peggy Newman (chair)
Patti-Ann Pryma Marlyne Sutherland
John Nikulak Fran Cowley Bishop (secretary)
Bill Besselink Rev. Susan Lukey – ex-officio