High River United Church of High River, Alberta


Children’s Programming

We welcome children and youth to participate fully in the life of our community. They join people from the congregation in laying hands on those who are baptized. They serve communion alongside their parents and grandparents. They offer leadership in worship.


When the disciples tried to keep children from bothering Jesus in the middle of his preaching, Jesus challenged them with the words, “Don’t keep the children away from me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”   At High River United, we believe that our children have wisdom of the Spirit to offer us and we welcome them in worship and in the life of the community.


Our Sunday morning Children & Youth Worship programs run year-round from 10:00 to 11:15 a.m. 


We all begin in the sanctuary together as the whole family of God. We sing together, pray, talk and begin to focus on the scriptures and theme for the day. At about 10:30, half an hour into worship, the children move to their own worship spaces. Pre-schoolers and parents are welcome to head to the nursery, at any time they wish.


Each of our children’s programs follow the format of worship, in which the scripture story is heard (in an age appropriate way) and then we have the chance to respond to the scripture through interactive and creative ways. We pray together and sing together. Sometimes we create snacks or messages or drama to share with the whole congregation.


The children & youth hear the same scriptures as the adults (in age-appropriate form) and explore similar themes, so that the whole family further discuss what they’ve experienced in worship, sharing their insights and learnings. 



Family Gatherings

In addition to our Sunday morning worship programs, we have: 


ACT WorshipAll-ages Celebrate Together:  These worship services are a wonderful opportunity for young and old to join together in worshiping God and deepening our sense of God's Spirit.  They include a conversation between Rev. Susan & Rev. David as well as opportunities to light prayer candles, walk the labyrinth, lots of singing and other active, creative and contemplative components as we worship together.


Children’s Christmas Worship: One Sunday in December, the children lead in worship, sharing drama, scripture and song  to help the congregation reflect upon Jesus’ birth.


Palm Sunday Worship: On Palm Sunday, the children lead the congregation in welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem through the Palm Parade, serving communion, special music and sharing the scripture story.


slide.jpgJune Celebration: On one of the last Sundays of June, the children lead us in celebrating our year together as a congregation (outdoors if possible). Bibles are presented to those completing Grade 4 and special Earth Spirit mugs to those completing Grade 11. The service is followed by a picnic (bring your own picnic lunch to share) and games.


Summer Camp (Vacation Bible School): Each Summer, usually just before school starts, summer we hold a three morning summer camp for children who are going into Kindergarten to those going into Grade 5. Older youth are welcome to come as Junior Leaders.  The summer camp runs from 9 a.m. to 1:30 pm each day. Watch the announcements for more info.




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123 MacLeod Trail S.W. High River, Alberta.

(403) 652-3168


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