High River United Church of High River, Alberta


youth_pics_by_Shelly_Lavene_1.jpgFor those in Grade 5 and up.


The Youth Group is a safe place for exploring faith and scripture, asking questions, sharing ideas, and discovering ways to integrate our faith into everyday living at home and at school.


We ensure that every youth feels safe and welcome, just as they are, for who they are.


The Youth Group meets one Friday a month from 5:30-7:30.

We begin by sharing a supper together (often pizza, but sometimes tacos, spaghetti, and others).

Then we engage in an activity - creating something, sports games, mystery games,  board games, or such.

Hide-n-seek is usually part of the evening since the church has so many great places to hide.

We end with a candle-light worship in the small chapel, including a Bible Story, prayer, each person lighting a candle and a song.

If you would like to be part of the youth group, please contact the church office.

Youth Group Leaders: Rev. Susan Lukey & Pattie Ann Pryma


Youth are also welcome to join in any program of our church community. Some join in helping set up for garage sales or the fall turkey supper. They have helped sort and collect food for the Food Bank. The Youth host a Gospel & Glitter Talent Show once a year. The youth also join in events which happen in other churches in our community and around the province, including concerts and mission projects.






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123 MacLeod Trail S.W. High River, Alberta.

(403) 652-3168


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