Much is being said about those who choose to “de-transition” as a reason for enacting the proposed Alberta Government’s gender policies. Here are the facts:
For those who go through transitioning, the regret rate is less than 1%, and for some that regret is temporary and they then embrace the transition. Keep in mind that all of us may regret some decisions in our lives, especially ones that involve significant changes (such as moving houses, switching or quitting a job, marriage, not taking an offered job, etc.)
That also means that 99% of those who transition are happy with their decision. Transitioning may mean some or all of the following: changing names, dressing in clothes that fit their gender, taking voice lessons to help their voice align with their gender, taking hormones and/or gender-confirming surgery. Each individual transgender person has their own journey and their own path.
Some of those who initially regret their transition will come to welcome their transition. Those who do regret their transition may choose to transition back. Remember not everyone who transitions has had surgery. Hormonal treatments can be reversed..
These proposed policies leave the other 99+% of transgender Albertans with more difficulties in transitioning to who they know themselves to be. Current medical and mental health processes for transitioning already support and protect those who are questioning whether or not they are transgender. Young people are not pushed or rushed into transitioning genders. The process is long and thoughtful. Gender affirming care supports them on their journey of discovering who they are.
Watch The Nature of Things documentary: Fluid: Life Beyond the Binaryon CBC television or CBC Gem. This show puts the gender spectrum exhibited in humans in the context of all living things and shows that, in nature, gender fluidity is par for the course, not something exceptional. First aired on Thursday, March 28, 2024.