There was snow on the ground this week. We are grateful that it held off for so long, compared to last year. It allowed us more time to be outdoors for safe distanced connecting. But now the snow reminds us that winter is around the corner (though there will still be some warmer times). There is a weariness to this all – masks, hand-sanitizing, physical distancing, staying in small cohorts of people and not being able to engage freely with friends and even extended family.
Yet, we have no more control over the pandemic than we do over the weather. What we do is live with it. We dress warmly and put on boots in the winter. We wear masks and we limit our social contacts for the pandemics. And we yearn for spring to come – when winter hasn’t even fully arrived.
So how do we do this? We do it TOGETHER! That is how we got through the recovery after the 2013 flood. We do it with LOVE! It is in caring for each other that we will get through winter to spring and through this pandemic to a time when we can gather freely in-person again.
TOGETHER in LOVE. It is the only way to do this. If we try to do this alone and focus on our own selves, we will burn out. It is in caring for each other – in listening carefully when someone is feeling sad or frustrated, in sharing our resources so that no one is in need, in sending a note or e-mail, making a phone-call, joining with others virtually or going for a walk outside together – that we will make it through this.
As the apostle Paul said to the Corinthians, “When one suffers, we all suffer. When one rejoices, we all rejoice.” 1 Corinthians 12:26
Together in love, sharing each other’s sufferings and joys, we will get through a winter of ongoing pandemic and restrictions. It is the only way. We need each other. That is the wisdom of our faith.
You are in our hearts and prayers,
Rev. Susan & Rev. David
High River United Church – a community of help, home & hope
“Just to be is a blessing; just to live is holy.” A. Heschel
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