or watch a recording of the service at your convenience
Print copies of the weekly bulletin and sermons are below.
Looking for Hope - Lent 2022
Our theme for Lent this year is "Looking for Hope." The first three weeks we will talk about "Looking for Hope in the wrong places" and then the next weeks, leading up to Easter Sunday, we will explore "Looking for hope in the right places." Join us on the journey. The services each week will be livestreamed and can be watched at the time of the service or later by recording posted to our Youtube channel. We hope you will join us.
Seeking Hope - a Holy Week journey of reflections
We invite you to download this pamphlet
and take time each day of Holy Week to reflect on the theme of Hope.
Christmas in the Barn - A Christmas Video Message - 2021
Rev. Susan & Rev. David spend time out at the Machan farm southeast of High River to read the Christmas story and offer a Christmas message among the cows and chickens, in the fields and in the barns. It was cold the day we filmed, so the video might be a little bumpy at moments, but we hope that you'll enjoy the farm setting for the telling of Jesus' birth. We wish you a beautiful and blessed Christmas, even in the midst of the continuing pandemic. This is why God came in Jesus, to be with us through all the challenges and difficulties of life, sustaining and guiding us in love.
Through the fall, we will explore the concept of Beloved Community, a concept proposed by Martin Luther King, Jr. and expanded upon by Rev. Michael Blair, General Secretary of The United Church of Canada.
October 31 - All Hallows Eve - The 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:3-14On All Hallows Eve, the evening before All Saints Day, we remember the people who have been saints in our lives - and we reflect upon how we can joyfully share our faith with others.
Because this is a letter to the Thessalonians and their local situation, what might this letter have to say for our time and context? Perhaps this letter reminds us that, just because we have faith doesn’t mean that we can do whatever we want because we have Jesus. Or just because we are doubly immunized doesn’t mean we can do whatever we want. Whether we feel protected by Christ or immunized by a COVID vaccine, neither releases us from the ethical obligations we have to one another. We are not to be idle with our responsibilities to the wider good. This is core to Paul’s thinking.
We all have good intentions about what we want to say and do. We have good intentions, but we also know how easily those good intentions can get lost in a moment of fatigue, frustration, hunger and too much stress. The apostle Paul understands this but still he encourages us to hold on to those good intentions and seek to serve Christ in every moment and every word.
Offering gratitude is central to being a Beloved Community of Christ. Gratitude brings beauty, hope and wonder into our lives, even in the most trying of times. As a community of faith, we practice gratitude.
A Beloved Community is a community that is radical in its welcoming, but is also discerning in its welcoming. Welcoming is not about being nice, but rather about being authentic to God's call.
Jesus had bad days, grumpy days. But what he learned from the Syrophoenician woman on one of those grumpy days shaped his ministry going forward. The love of God he preached and lived was a love that is inclusive of all people, all genders, all sexual diversity, all cultures and races.
Washing our hands with gratitude in our hearts for soap and water and the knowledge of bacteria, while remembering that our care for each other comes before everything else.
The disciples are caught in their boat in a storm. Jesus walks toward them across the water, but INTENDS to walk on by - wait a minute! Rev. David explores this strange and exciting story that reminds us that in the storms of life, Jesus choose to get in our boat with us.
When Jesus returns to his home town, he is rejected. When Olympic athletes and other young people who gain success elsewhere return home, how are they treated? Why are they sometimes honoured & sometimes ignored? What can we learn from this as followers of Jesus?
Jesus will not be contained by the limits and definitions we place on him. We grieve the many atrocities done in his name, including the deaths of so many children as well as the loss of language and culture experienced in Indian Residential Schools in which the United Church of Canada played a role. We also protest the use of Jesus' name to exclude LGBTQ+ and to uphold racism and sexism. Jesus lived an expansive, inclusive, unconditional love which the Christian church, through the centuries and today, has often failed to live out.
Sermon: Dramatized by Moderator Richard Bott & Alydia Smith
Easter 2021 Candle-lighting, Scripture & Prayer
How Do We Know God? - Winter 2021
Through the next weeks, we will explore the ways that we know God. We each experience God's presence in unique ways. For some of us, we know God through the community of gathered people, for some it is through scripture, for others it is through working for justice or caring for others, for some it is during quiet meditation and prayer, and for others it is more about following an ethic - The Way of Jesus - than having a personal experience of God, while others experience a personal relationship with Jesus. Many ways to know and serve God - that's what we will explore during January & February 2021.
January 10 – Baptism of Jesus – Introduction to knowing God so that we may be a blessing
Please note: we are worshipping together via Zoom. If you wish to join us, please contact the church and help us get to know you and your contact information by which we can share the Zoom links.
Meeting Up with Jesus' First Disciples: Fall 2020
Meet the Disciples Booklet: download this PDF for background information for each week.
How Do You Know God - Six Ways to Connect with God's Presence August_9_2020.pdf
From Disciples to Apostle:
Learning from 1st Century Christians -- a Wisdom for the 21st Century
We have much in common with the first century. We live in a time when many do not believe in God or follow a spiritual practice. We live in times that are challenging and terrifying. There is wisdom from the first church that can anchor us in the 21st century.
March 8, 2020 - Would I choose to be a Christian if I faced persecution and even death for making that choice? It is something I wonder about in this sermon. (Rev. Susan). March_8_2020.pdf
March 1, 2020 - The apostle Paul made an appearance and Rev. Susan interviewed him as he arrived in Macedona, Philippi, Ephesus, Jerusalem, Antioch & more. Sorry, no print version or recorded version available. You'll need to chat with someone who was there.
February 23, 2020 - The Unconditional Gift of God's Grace - bridges divisions and disagreements
January 26, 2020 - Are you ready to speak your faith? Listen to Rev. Susan & Rev. David have a conversation about this. No print copy -listen online from home page.
January 19, 2020 - Don't be Swayed by Proclamations that There is Never Enough - Introducing the Apostle Peter January_19_2020.pdf
December 8 - The Hands of Christmas - The youth and children led a dramatic service asking, "What were Joseph's hands like? What were Mary's hand's like? What would angel hands be like? And shepherds? And wisemen's?" No print or audio - sorry! December 1 - Jesus - Wise, Compassionate & Challenging Teacher December_1_2019_sermon.pdf
Journey to the Heart of God - Fall 2019
We will be going on a journey together - to explore our relationship with God and our relationships with each other, and how relationship is necessary to grow in our faith and to mature as human beings. We will be emphasizing that we are people of a story -the Story of Jesus as found in scripture. These stories help shape our lives and our relationships. We are committed to these stories and to learning from them more about how to
For the children, this theme will be framed as "Wild about God!" Come journey with us on Sundays - in person and online.
November 17 - I am the Church - You are the Church - We are the Church Together -Relationship - the key to being a congregation, the key to our faith. Rev. Susan & Rev. David engage everyone in a dialogue. No print copy -listen online from home page.
November 10 - God is in the story. Guest story-teller & musician, Linnea Good, shares the story of the healing of Bartimaeus - No print copy -listen online from home page.
November 3 - The gift of being known by each other and by God. November_3_2019.pdf
October 27 - Everything we do, as followers of Jesus, is rooted in the love of God. We give our hearts to God, and our hearts to this faith community. October_27_2019_sermon.pdf
October 20 - Within faith community, we are significant to one another, and to God. Don't be afraid, because I am with you, says God. October_20_2019.pdf
October 13 - Gratitude is Counter-Cultural Relationship is rooted in gratitude. No print copy -listen online from home page. Rev. Susan & Rev. David chat about the Christian practice of giving thanks in all circumstances.
October 6 - Belonging to a Radical Community - The Jesus Way: The gift of being committed to one another and loyal to one another, but it can be challenging to. October_6_2019.pdf
September 29 - Connecting through Sameness: With God & with Each O ther. We are drawn to those who are like us, but there is a shadow side to attaching through sameness. This is meant to be a beginning step of connecting, not an end. September_29_2019.pdf
September 22 - Embodied Faith: Relationship requires physically being in the same space. September_22_2019.pdf
September 15 - God chooses to have a relationship with human beings. God commits to removing all barriers to that relationship. September_15_2019.pdf
September 8 - Faith is learned through relationship in a Studio of Love! No print copy -listen online from home page. Rev. Susan & Rev. David chat about the important of being together as a congregation. We have created, to borrow Brian McLaren's words, "a studio of love", where together we study and explore the teachings of Jesus, where we allow our lives to be shaped by God's love, and where we learn to express that love in many ways, becoming more loving versions of ourselves. We need each other. We don't have to do it alone. We need to be hope, love, care, challenge & comfort for each other.
Labour Day 2019
September 1 - As followers of Jesus, we are to live the generousity of God, not basing things on merit or begrudging what we give or what others are given. September_1_2019.pdf
Spring-Summer 2019
During the Spring & Summer of 2019, Rev. David & Rev. Susan are on sabbatical. We are grateful to the many worship leaders who will offer leadership during this time. We are not able to provide print copies of the sermons. Audio recordings will be posted as available. If you are looking for a print sermon, we invite you to scroll down and find one of interest from previous years. Many blessings for your spiritual journey.
We Are What We Pray - Lent - Easter 2019
During the season of Lent & Easter, we are going to focus on the role of prayer in our lives as Christians. Martin Luther, who began the Protestant reformation, was a person of prayer. He once said:
To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.
Martin Luther
We will explore how prayer shapes our lives, what prayer really does, and how to pray in many different ways. Join in the Lenten journey of prayer.
March 31 - Pray for Healing - it works, but maybe not in the way you think! March_31_2019.pdf
March 24 - The Lord's Prayer - Rev. Susan & Rev. David have a dialogue based on The Lord's Prayer. This is adapted from an online version (various authors). No print copy available; listen to the audio by clicking on "Listen Online" on the homepage.
We choose to be part of the church; but God has already chosen us, called us and named us. We have a task to do, gifts to offer our world. We are called to be Love and Light and Hope. In these weeks before Lent, we explore our call to be the church.
February 24 - Conversation between Rev. Susan & Rev. David about living with gratitude: no print copy, listen to the audio by clicking on "Listen Online" on the homepage.
February 17 - To be Christian is to be radically inclusive and radically generous. February_17_2019.pdf
February 3 - It's Not About the Goats (or the afterlife) - Understanding Who are are as the family and disciples of Jesus February_3_2019_.pdf
January 27 - A Conversation about Values - Compassion, Diversity, Respect & Courage - no print copy, listen to the audio by clicking on "Listen Online" on the homepage.
November 25 - Living the Way of Jesus; Having the Faith of Jesus - Christians are seen as judgmental and hypocrites. It is time we changed that view. November_25_2018.pdf
November 18 - Susan & David & Maya have a conversation about what Joy really is all about. Listen online.
November 11 - On Communion & Remembrance - listen online
November 4 - We don't have to read the Bible literally, or reject it as fantasy. When we take it seriously, there is so much wisdom and wonder to help us live faithfully. November_4_2018.pdf
October 28 - Scripture is the foundation of our faith. It is inspired by God, but written and interpreted by fallible human beings. It is essential to our lives of faith; and essential that we study it and wrestle with it. October_28_2018.pdf
October 21 - Our society is losing the language of virtues: kindness, gratitude, and compassion - we must reclaim and use these words:October_21_2018.pdf
October 14 - Rev. Susan & Rev. David had a conversation about why each of them have chosen to follow the Way of Jesus, and why they believe Jesus chooses each of us. No print copy. Listen online from the home page of this website.
September 30 - When is a Building not a Building? When it's a church! September_30_2018.pdf
September 23 - Rev. Susan & Rev. David in conversation about Tears & Soft Hearts - and how worship helps us keep soft hearts filled with compassion & makes room for our tears. Listen Online - from home page of this website.
September 9 - Rev. David shares: Church is Essential for our Well-Being September_9_2018.pdf
Summer 2018
We invite you to listen to the recordings (podcasts found under Listen Online on home page) of the sermons for July and August 2018. There are not print copies for many of the Sundays.
September 2 - The Purpose of Work - A Labour Day Reflection - September_2_2018.pdf
August 26 - Embracing the Unexpected Presence of God - August_26_2018.pdf
August 19 - Rev. David: It's what you do that counts, not what you believe August_19_2018.pdf
August 12 - Rev. Susan: Climate Change, Divisive Politics -- We Desperately Need a New Vision for our World August_12_2018.pdf
August 5 - Rev. David: It's not the Miracle that Counts - It's the Message August_5_2018.pdf
July 29 - Rev. Susan on why we need the church community - to encourage and support us.
July 8, 15 & 22 - Guest speaker: Bob Gibennus - on suffering, sharing his own experiences and relating them to the book of Job
July 1 - Guest speaker: Celia Penman - on generously using our gifts for the good of all
Daring Hope in Turbulent Times
will be our worship theme for the Spring of 2018. We will talk about how we live as people of hope in the face of all the challenges that we see in the world around us. There are things that keep us awake at night…. let’s talk in faith!
Why Bother with Faith, God, Church, Jesus, and the Bible?
In 2018, in North America, to be a Christian, a follower of the Way of Jesus, is a choice we make. There are so many other activities and possibilities that call for our attention, so why do we bother? What do we make of being a church, reading the Bible, and choosing to follow the Way of Jesus? This winter, leading up to Easter (on April 1st), we'll be exploring these questions.
March 11: Choosing to Worship. Worship brings us back to who we are and Whose we are. Taking time to worship brings us back to gratitude, to wonder, to hope. We are made to worship; it's in our DNA. March_4_2018_sermon.pdf
March 4: Choosing the Bible. It is an old book, the Bible. The setting of its stories go back to the beginning of time. The first parts of the Bible were put in written form about 700 BCE. Nothing new has been added since 383 AD. So why do we read it? Why do we take it seriously, but not literally? There is a good reason! It's our family story and inspiration as followers of Jesus.
February 25: Choosing to Pray. What can we expect of prayer? Is prayer about having our prayers answered or is it something else? February_25_2018.pdf
February 18: Choosing Lent: What is the purpose of the season of Lent? Why do we mark it as followers of Jesus? February_18_2018.pdf
February 11: Choosing The United Church of Canada. Are we just a wishy-washy enterprise? NO! We believe firmly in living the compassion that was shown to us by Jesus. We have an important voice to offer within Christianity today.
February 4: Choosing Church. The church gets accused of being judgmental and hypocritical, but there is a good reason to belong to church. It is worth it! February_4_2018.pdf
January 28: Choosing Jesus. Jesus lived about 2,000 years ago. His ministry lasted only 3 years. But we continue to follow his teaching, live the Way he taught, and have experiences of his presence. January_28_2018.pdf
January 21: Choosing God is not about having the right beliefs, but about being open to the relationship and discovering God in both the Bible and in science and in people and in the world.
Please note: there is no print copy. A recording is available under "Listen Online"
January 14: Choosing Faith: What is faith? Do I have it? Why would I need it? January_14_2018.pdf
What Time is it, Followers of Jesus? Time to reflect on time!
This fall we are looking at time from a faith perspective. We follow time on a clock, but sometimes time seems to go so fast and other times it goes so slow. Ecclesiates 3:1-8 tells us that "For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." We will be using the book, "Sabbath Pause" by Terry Chapman, as a basis for reflecting on time, and how we approach time as followers of the Way of Jesus. Feeling frazzled - come spend some time with us at High River United, as we reflect on time!
November 26 - Time to believe in God (& the mystery behind science) - a conversation between Rev. David & Rev. Susan - Please note: there is no print copy. A recording is available under "Listen Online"
November 19 - Sabbath, not just a day off - a day for enjoying God November_19_2017.pdf
September 10 - no print copy - listen to the conversation, about seeing time from a faithful perspective, between Susan & David - A recording is available under "Listen Online"
We'll be hearing stories about Jesus eating meals with a variety of people. We'll also be talking about how to make neighbours of other faiths feel welcome at our tables. How can we be good hosts and loving neighbours, as Jesus calls us to be?
Note: The outline of basic information about each faith group that is being printed weekly in our bulletins at church will be posted here in pdf form once I have completed all faith groups. Susan
July 2 - Seeking Truth & Reconciliation - an interview is posted under "Listen Online"
June 25 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? The children led in worship. Here is a copy of the conversations they shared: June_25_2017_narration.pdf
June 18 - The Importance, as Christians, of Truth & Reconciliation with the First People's of Canada Please note: there is no print copy. A recording is available under "Listen Online"
June 11 - Memories or Reality - Jesus is known in the breaking of bread June_11_2017_sermon.pdf
March 19 - Following the Way of Jesus, Being Born Again & Salvation
Rev. Susan & Rev. David converse what it means to them to follow the Way of Jesus day by day, and the compelling nature of Jesus' command to love God, neighbour, stranger & enemies. (no print copy - listen to audio recording. Go to Home page and click on box: Listen Online)
February 5 - We Believe in Jesus: Rev. Susan & Rev. David converse about their experiences of the presence of Jesus and their understandings of who Jesus was and is
(no print copy - listen to audio recording. Go to Home page and click on box: Listen Online)
January 29 - We Believe in God: On a Journey with God January_29_2017.pdf January 22 - We Believe in God: Does God control everything or do we have free will?
Note: a 10 minute video clip from the Animate Study Series was watched prior to each of these messages. These messages will still make sense without watching it. Yet, if you'd like to watch the video, come by the church and watch the clips here. Unfortunately, we do not have permission to post the clips online.