You have to have faith in something. The truth is that we all have faith. The question is where, or in who, do we place that faith. Some might have faith in themselves and their own abilities. Some might place their faith in money and what it can do for them. Others might place their faith in education or a successful job. One could place faith in science or in government or in one’s family. Some might say that their only faith is that the world is going to destroy itself and that people are motivated by nothing but greed. I choose to place my faith in a loving, caring God.


Why do we need to have faith in something? Faith is our motivator, but it also shapes our values and guides every decision we make. I don’t think we can actually choose not to have faith. We all have faith in something; the only question is in what!


Faith means placing trust and confidence, in a belief or theory or person. We can intentionally choose where we will place our faith, or we will just fall into placing our faith somewhere, perhaps not a somewhere we’d actually choose if we really thought about it. Where do you place your faith?


There are no guarantees about faith. There is no proof. We talk about taking a “leap of faith” for a reason. At some point, we just have to decide where we will place our faith. There may be information or experiences that point us one way or another but, in the end, it just comes down to a choice. Do I place my faith in God or in science or in my skills & abilities or in my money or in ?????


I hear you saying, but there is proof about science; I could place my trust there. Here’s the thing. I do believe in much of what science has to offer. I accept evolution, but I don’t think that we have the whole story in evolution. If we take it back to the very beginning of the universe, I can accept a description that it all started with the big bang…… but it takes just as much faith to accept that theory as it does to say, as I do, that a loving, caring God was the originator of that big bang, and that the story of creation in the Bible is one way of saying that a loving Creator started it all.


There is a leap of faith in accepting that a big bang started the universe – because the question lingers, “Where did that big bang come from?” There is a leap of faith in accepting that a loving, caring Creator was the originator of the big bang. You see, there are no absolute guarantees. There are no certainties. We live in a society that values certainty and absolutes. But the truth is there is no absolute certainty. At some point, you’ve just got to decide where, or in who, you are going to place your faith.


I choose to place my faith in God, as shown to me in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.


I’ve seen people who counted on their skills, abilities and intelligence lose it all in a stroke. I’ve seen people who placed their faith in their money lose that as well. I’ve seen the sad results of total faith placed in science. I still believe that it is important to use our skills, abilities, intelligence and financial resources well. I still believe that scientific and medical research is essential to our well-being. I don’t discount these things, but they are not where I am going to place my ultimate faith.


My faith is in God, as shown to me in the teachings and wisdom of Jesus. My choice is to let faith in a loving, caring God shape my daily living, my choices, the way I use my money, and the way I interact with other people. When I look at all the things that could shape my life, placing faith in the God reveled to me in the Bible and in the life of Jesus is what brings me the most joy and the most hope.


To commit myself to the one who instructed us to love neighbours, strangers and enemies is the life I want. To be shaped by one who told us not to judge, but to live with compassion is the challenge I choose for my life. The me I want to present to the world is one that is shaped by a loving, compassionate God, who ultimately triumphed over death, and who promises to accomplish more than I can begin to ask for or imagine. The faith I want to share with my children, my husband, and my family is the faith I know in Jesus. I make no apologies for that!


I know that others will make other decisions, choose other places in which to lodge their faith, choose other teachers, other wisdom, or other faith groups. I think the most important thing is to make a clear choice about where, or in who, we place our faith. What faith shapes your life?


For me, I know that my skills and abilities are not enough to sustain me in the most difficult moments, the money I have in my bank account does nothing for me when I am feeling lonely or sad, and all the scientific discoveries bring me no loving comfort when tragedy strikes. When everything else fails, God is there for me. God’s love enfolds me. God’s hope sustains me.


Am I always certain about this? Do I have scientific proof? No. But even as I say that, I feel this stirring within me that says, “God is here. You are not alone.”   It is a mysterious thing – this placing faith in God, but, out of all the choices about where to place my faith, I can’t imagine placing my trust and confidence anywhere else. My faith is in God – and for that I am grateful!

 April 5, 2018                                        ©Susan Lukey 2018