We all make a choice about the values, the ideals, and the ethics by which we will live our lives.  If we don’t make a choice, we are in trouble.


In the same way, as parents and grandparents, we make a choice about the values, ideals, and ethics by which we will raise our children.  Yes, they may make a different choice when they are older, but they need to start somewhere. They need a foundation.  If we leave them to their own devices, then they will be in trouble.


We all need to know who we are and where our higher power lies.  Even if we are not making conscious choices, we are making unconscious choices.  To choose not to do something is still a choice.  To choose not to choose is a choice. 


Okay, okay….too philosophical, perhaps, but the point I am making is this.  We need to choose who and whose we are.  Do we belong to materialism, and will we shape our lives by what we own?  Do we belong to a culture of narcissism, basing every choice upon me, myself & I?  Do we belong to wealth, and create a life around building our bank accounts? 


Or do we belong to Jesus, and shape our lives and our choices according to the Way he taught, continuing to be encouraged and inspired by his spiritual presence?


Well, you can guess which one I’ve chosen.  Others may choose to be Muslim or Jewish or Bahai’i or Hindu or humanist (I’m not so enthused about the other choices named in the paragraph above. I don’t think they are healthy for us and for our world) – but I think we must know what our choice is and then really challenge ourselves to live our choice, and to lovingly share that way of living with our children and grandchildren.


I’ve chosen Jesus as the one whose Way I follow, probably because I was raised Christian.  But at some point, I had to make that choice for myself, and I did.  Jesus for me is an absolutely amazing teacher, Saviour, Lord, and friend.  What he did with only three years, to inspire people to a challenging way of living, is astonishing. 


Love your neighbour! Yeah, I can do that, mostly.  Love God! I’m all for that.  Love yourself! Well, most days, but some days I focus too much on guilt and failure.  Love and welcome the stranger!  Okay, mostly I’ve had really good experiences with that.


But Jesus didn’t stop there!  Love your enemies; be good to those who are mean to you.  That’s when what Jesus said gets hard.  And he did this often – start with things that seemed easy to do, but kept pushing until what he said became challenging.


Give….generously. Sell what you have and share with those in need! Speak up …. and stand-up for those who need fairness and justice, those outcast by the rest of society.  Share each others joys!!!....and each other’s sorrows!  Pray……all the time, without ceasing!  Give thanks….in every circumstance.  Look for the beauty……in everything and everyone.


To follow the Way of Jesus pushes me to embrace ways of living that I wouldn’t push myself to do, if I hadn’t committed to Jesus.  Why do I do it? Because I like the kind of community, and world, that is created when people live, really live, the Way that Jesus taught.


Generousity.  Hospitality. Radical Love. Justice. Constantly immersing oneself in the presence of the Divine.  I love how life feels when I make these a priority, and when I share these with my children.


We all make a choice.  If we don’t, we are swept along by other voices, and other people’s choices, and our children are swept along by other voices and other people’s choices. 


For my own well-being, my family’s well-being, and the well-being I can offer to my community and my world, I choose Jesus! 

January 31, 2018                                  ©Susan Lukey 2018