High River United Church of High River, Alberta

Sermons in this series
  Date: Sunday, November 24, 2019       Teacher: Rev. David L.S. Robertson     Duration: 14 mins 16 secs    
  Description: In the Christian Church Calendar, this is really like New Year’s Eve. It’s the last Sunday in the Church year, which means next Sunday is Advent and we begin the new year anticipating the Birth of Jesus. But that would mean getting ahead of ourselves. For today, let’s stay with the Christian Church’s equivalent of New Year’s Eve, called the Reign of Christ Sunday. I usually find New Year’s Eve a little bewildering. It seems to be a lot of out with the old and in with the new. Or, a listing of all the things we’re going to do differently with our best intentions attached. Or maybe some reflection and introspection on the year that has passed. And of course, there’s noise makers, confetti, food, libations, and most importantly the traditions of bringing in the new year with our loved ones and friends. It’s that last part about being with loved ones and friends that I think really connects with Paul’s reflections from today’s reading according to his letter to the Philippians. He had in mind, the Philippian church as a gathering of loved ones and friends—journeying together to the heart of God. Paul deeply loved his Christian communities. His letters were always encouraging and loving (except the Galatians who were nothing but a source of frustration for him—they were Celts, what can you do). But that being the distraction that it is, and hopefully a spark of humour, Paul always found ways to encourage, support, and love even in the face of other distractions, challenges or disruptions. Always. And yes, even the Galatians. Paul writes, “If then there is any encouragement in Christ, and consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, and compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind…. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interest of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” (Phil.2: 1-2, 4-5) It’s a great New Year’s Eve letter. It offers a reset as we move into the New Year and the coming weeks of Advent. What a beautiful intention that we set ourselves about the practices of encouragement, love, compassion, sympathy and joy—that we not hunker down into our own self-interests but look upon the interests of others—that we be of one mind, and have the mind of Christ in us—which really is about journeying together to the heart of God. We are on the cusp of the New Christian Year and Paul reminds us about the kind of headspace and heart-space we need to be in as we contemplate the reign of Christ. This takes practice… of course. But I am convinced that it is more relevant and necessary than ever.
  Date: Sunday, November 17, 2019       Teacher: Revs. Susan/David     Duration: 8 mins 45 secs    
  Description: Rev. David and Rev. Susan have a conversation about what it means to be church. When we choose to belong to a congregation, we find a place to make sense of our lives and grow meaning in our relationship with God, we find a sense of belonging and significance, and we deepen and share the values that are important to us, values that come from the teachings of Jesus.
  Date: Sunday, November 10, 2019       Teacher: Linnea Good     Duration: 26 mins 22 secs    
  Description: Linnea Good, musician and storyteller, shares a story about the healing of Bartimaeus and also talks about how God is in the story. A wonderful listen.
  Date: Sunday, November 03, 2019       Teacher: Rev. Susan Lukey     Duration: 18 mins 7 secs    
  Description: The story of the Bible is a story of relationship. It is a story of God’s relationship with humanity and with all of creation. It is a love story. The Bible is filled with stories, chosen by faithful people, to share their understandings and experiences of God. It is offered in many different voices, in many different genres of literature. The stories each come out of a particular context, in a particular time in history, and the portrayal of God offered is shaped by that time and context. It is not something dictated by God for us, but rather it is a human document, made sacred by its use, that reveals to us how people have understood and experienced God through the ages. As we study scripture and explore the stories, as we discuss scripture together, we receive God’s voice, God’s message. What is at the core of scripture, throughout both testaments is this: God is love and God chooses to be in relationship with humankind. God chooses to be in relationship with us and we choose to be in relationship with each other in this congregation. Faith is rooted in relationship – and that has been our theme this fall.
  Date: Sunday, October 27, 2019       Teacher: Rev. David L.S. Robertson     Duration: 26 mins 3 secs    
  Description: God is Love… these words glowed in the dark from a little wooden plaque that hung on the wall next to my bed when I was about 9 years old. My church gave me this plaque as a gift from our Sunday School. Next to the words were two little blue birds framed by a heart. So simple. Since then, and all these years later, I’ve pondered that little plaque, it’s words and especially how they glowed after I turned out the light. God is Love, even through the night. Following our walk around the 6 roots of attachment as outlined by Dr. Gordon Neufeld, the fifth root of attachment is love. At or around 4 years old, our hearts become awakened to love. Four-year-old’s give their heart away to their caring adults. It’s why four-year-old’s want to marry their mom or dad. They want to marry their sister or brother. They want to marry their teacher. Four-year-old’s draw hearts and colour them and give them away. Four-year-old’s love valentines’ day! At the tender age of around 4 we learn about love for the first time and what it means to give our love to someone else. We take this first experience of love into the rest of our lives. A four-year-old’s love is innocent. It is unconditional. It is child-like of course. On the one hand it emerges on its own as part of our human development. On the other hand, it is evoked because the child is in the care of loving adults. It is a deep root and when the conditions are right, there is room for the child to learn about, feel, and express love. Hearts everywhere! That’s why my bedroom plaque was so comforting. God is love, glowing in the dark reminded me that I could exist in the presence of God and experience unconditional love. I knew that God loved me first. And in return, I gave my heart to God. As we reflect on the words about God’s love in 1 John today, we hear the mystery that, “God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.” (1 Jn 4:16b) These words are written specifically for the Christian Community. John’s understanding of love is grounded in the mystery of God’s love at work in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
  Date: Sunday, October 20, 2019       Teacher: Rev. Susan Lukey    
  Description: This sermon was not recorded. Find the print edition under Worship & Music tab - Sermons in Print... I remember singing, “God sees the little sparrow fall,” as a child in church. It is quite an amazing concept – that the Creator of the universe knows and cares about each creature on earth, and each hair or feather or scale on each creature. Truly, it is something hard to fathom. With our limited human abilities, and our memories that seem to hold only so much, to imagine a God who intimately knows and cares about each and everyone of us is incredible, and almost impossible to imagine. Except that over and over again in scripture we are told that we are significant to God, that God notices us and cares for us. Two facts are repeated hundreds of times each in the Bible: 1. God is love and 2. Don’t be afraid because God loves and cares for you. Just let those two statements sink in: God is love, and we don’t need to be afraid in any circumstance because God loves us. That is life-transforming information – and I think it may be very hard for many of us to really, really, really believe it. Yet, the witness of scripture is that we are significant to God. And because we are significant to God, we don’t need to be afraid. Significance is one of the ways that we form relationship or attachment with one another.
  Date: Sunday, October 13, 2019       Teacher: Revs. Susan/David     Duration: 9 mins 25 secs    
  Description: Rev. Susan & Rev. David have a conversation about gratitude. As followers of Jesus, we are called to practice gratitude - which goes far beyond feeling thankful. It is a choice of a way of life that involves looking for what we have to be grateful for in all circumstances. In a society where there is so much hate-filled speech, so many death threats and sexual assault threats leveled at those in any sort of leadership position, it is more important than ever that we practice gratitude to counter this.
  Date: Sunday, October 06, 2019       Teacher: Rev. Susan Lukey     Duration: 11 mins 24 secs    
  Description: Now there is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female, for we are one in Christ! I think it is hard for us, in the 21st century to understand just how radical those words would have been in the 1st century, when Paul was writing to the church at Galatia. These are transformative words also meant to challenge us as we follow the Way. Today we are coming to the communion table to share the bread and the cup. Imagine what this would have been like for the followers of Jesus, 2,000 years ago. First of all, they shared this meal every time they gathered. And they actually sat down together at a big table. Everyone brought some bread (flat bread) from home and some wine, and it was all put on the table –like a potluck. All the wine was poured into a large bowl-like container – good and bad wine mixed together. All the bread heaped on one platter. Once the words, “This is my body; this is my blood; do this in remembrance of me,” were declared by the presider, everyone ate their fill. It wasn’t the little sip of juice and little piece of bread that we share. It was much more like our Soup & Bun or Simple Suppers. Everyone ate their fill. No one went home hungry. Those who had more, brought more, but everyone brought something. The commitment that followers of Jesus made to each other was that they would share everything in common so that no one was in need. They took care of each other! They committed their resources to one another. Now I want you to picture who was at that table. Jew and Gentile, Roman citizens and their slaves, men and women – all sitting together. This is the absolutely radical thing about the church of Jesus at its beginnings. At other tables in the Roman Empire at the time, these people would not sit together. Men and women, especially at Roman banquet tables normally would not be seated together. Men would have their own tables, and women would be set apart or doing the serving. Within Jewish households, the family would eat together, but out in public, men did not speak to or associate with women who they were not married to or related to. Similarly, slaves had their place in society, and did not share a meal with their masters. Jewish people and Gentile people would not interact, except for limited required transactions, such as paying taxes. Paul is writing to a church in the middle of Roman territory – the church in Galatia, in what is present day Turkey. Paul is telling them that once they are committed to following the Way of Jesus, like us, then all of those traditional cultural and religious boundaries are wiped away. Everyone sits at the same table together.
  Date: Sunday, September 29, 2019       Teacher: Rev. David L.S. Robertson     Duration: 18 mins 45 secs    
  Description: I was too young to remember, but there’s a story told about me when I was 2-3 years old. One can be pretty convincing at that age and apparently, my mom had to sew patches on the knees of my perfectly good pants so that I could look like my dad. Sameness. It’s the instinctual desire to be like and a primary point of connection that helps us form relationships. If you ever watch two people meet for the first time, you will hear their conversation search for something in common. “Oh, I saw Downton Abbey, too!” “Oh yes, Maggie Smith is my favourite actor, too”. “I can’t believe we both grew up in Inglewood! My goodness isn’t that amazing”. Now… As a pre-schooler I could look like my dad and go to work just like him. Sameness. I watch sameness work its magic after church, as we seek to establish relationship with one another. We talk about hobbies we have in common. We find common connections around where we’re from… “Hey, I grew up in Saskatchewan, too. What’s the name of your hometown?” I hear conversations around favourite kinds of tea, favourite gardening tips, and least favourite books of the Bible. We find sameness with people in our generation—any Carpenters fans here? Theologically, we find sameness as people of God. We are created in the image and likeness of God. Even though we have different abilities and skills, we find sameness in the body of Christ. There is oneness in our sameness. As ones created in the image of God and linked together as members of the body of Christ, we find comfort. We find a welcome. We feel connection. We honour the human need to be together. Sameness is the primary glue that bonds relationships generally, and for Christians in particular it helps form community. We celebrate sameness through our love of eating together, praying together, studying together, and holding a set of values together such as practicing compassion and unconditional love, growing community and extending the table of hospitality, as well as seeking a just, sensitive and inclusive community that chooses to embrace diversity despite differences. Theologically, these are principles and practices that we hold in common that help us settle into relationships where these values are generally the same. We gather around each other knowing that our expression of sameness is grounded in our image and likeness of God and our life together as members of the Body of Christ. Sameness. Sameness helps us begin relationships. And that’s a key understanding where the operative words are: “helps us begin”. Sameness is a rather shallow expression of relationship. Its roots are not very deep. And while it works to help us enter into relationship, by itself it doesn’t lead us very far. There’s an inherent murkiness to sameness if we remain stuck there. It is a point of connection, an entry point that provides opportunity for relationship but, it’s shallow and has a shadow side.
  Date: Sunday, September 22, 2019       Teacher: Rev. Susan Lukey     Duration: 19 mins 40 secs    
  Description: And the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and Eve, and clothed them. Genesis 3:21 This statement, found in the Genesis story just before Adam and Eve must leave the Garden of Eden, is one that I find fascinating. It’s a little detail that often gets lost in the bigger story of creation and Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of Knowledge, but it is a detail that tells us so much about God’s relationship with humankind. This fall, we are talking about relationship, about God’s relationship with us, our relationship with each other and how those relationships are formed and nurtured. That one sentence, God made garments for Adam and Eve and clothed them, tells us so much about what God intends in a relationship with us. Adam and Eve have messed up. They ate fruit from the Tree of Knowledge when they were told not to. Now their innocence is gone, and their time living in the Garden of Eden is ended. However, they are not being punished. God is not mad; sad yes, but not mad. This scene of God sewing clothes for the couple and then helping them get dressed is such a tender scene, filled with loving compassion. Perhaps I love it because I love sewing. I can just imagine God creating the clothing. It is a scene filled with the physical senses – the loving touch of God in creating the clothing, one last view of the garden, one last smell of the flowers growing there, and then God, leaving the garden with the pair. There was a time in Christian history, with influence from Greek culture, that anything to do with the body was considered not spiritual and even evil. Yet, the truth is that the expression of our faith is a very physical one. Over and over again, God is described in human form, in ways that engage all of our senses. As people of God, followers of Jesus, we are not disembodied.



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Take One or Leave One Puzzle Table
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Prayer for Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine
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God,you are our hope, we shall not let go.You help us seek peace, justice, hope, and dignity for...
High River United AFFIRMS the Full Spectrum of Diversity
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And we also believe that God has created and loves all people in the full spectrum of diversity....



123 MacLeod Trail S.W. High River, Alberta.

(403) 652-3168


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