Sunday, May 29, 2016

Spirit of Love: Loving God

Ephesians 3:14-21 & Mark 12:28-34 by Rev. Susan Lukey

Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life, life in all its fullness.” God’s intention, when creation was set in motion and animals, plants, birds and humans emerged, was that all of creation should reach its potential, that we should all live life in its fullness, that we should become all that we are meant to be. In order for that to happen, we need three things: Rest, Play & Grace (or Love). We see these themes in the Bible. Now brain research is confirming the wisdom of our tradition. We need Rest, Play & Grace in order to become what we are created to be and to enjoy life in all its fullness. Let me speak briefly about Rest & Play before spending more time on Grace (or Love.)
Duration:23 mins 16 secs