Sunday, June 12, 2016

Loving Ourselves as part of Loving God

Proverbs 4:1-27 & James 1:2-3:18 by Rev. David L.S. Robertson

Over the last little while we have been reflecting on what it means to live our lives in God’s Spirit. During the last two weeks, we have been exploring what that means within the context of loving God, loving neighbour and today, we look at loving self. In some ways I think this is more difficult one. We can for the most part find our words and actions for loving God and loving our neighbour. There’s something pragmatic about loving neighbour which is often expressed through good deeds, like watching the house while their away, bringing food when there’s a loss or a celebration, visiting for tea, or simply being mindful and aware of their well-being. But loving our selves. That’s different. For many of us, we have been taught to put the needs of others before ourselves. We have been taught to get our work done first before we do something for fun.
Duration:20 mins 17 secs