“I lift up my eyes to the hills; from where will my help come?” (Psalm 121:1)  That’s how the writer of Psalm 121 begins a psalm that is a statement of belief in the power and presence of God.  The First Nations people look to the mountains, the rivers, the sky, the wind and the creatures of earth, sea & sky to know God’s presence and power.  Rather than having a book of scripture, all of creation reveals and speaks of God within First Nations’ tradition.  The foundation of their teachings lies in the four directions: east, south, west and north.  Here is a very quick summary of the Four Directions teaching. (Note: each tribe and nation nuance the teachings of the directions in slightly different ways.)

         East: the rising sun, the eagle, colour yellow, wisdom, knowledge and light, possibilities and         promise, coming full circle in life, a place of peace. 

        South: the warm winds, colour black, the coyote, guidance, beginnings & endings, a place of    growth, of falling down and getting back up again, the place of healing and of learning to trust. 

        West: the mountains, the grizzly bear, colour red, strength, reflection, insight and faith to   sustain, a place of looking within and of setting goals and pursuing dreams.

        North: the cold winds and snow storms, colour white, the buffalo, a time of action, testing,     learning endurance, finding one’s own abilities, motivations, desires and power. 


It is all about balance.  No one direction is more important than the other.  We move through the teachings of all four directions within our lives.  When, like the psalm writer, we ask, “I look to the hills, from where will my help come?” the First Nations wisdom would answer, “Your help may come from any direction; there is a right time for each of these in your life.”  We need to recognize that there will be beginnings and endings in our lives, times of growth and action alongside times of stillness and introspection, times of making mistakes alongside times of accomplishment, times of wisdom alongside times of not knowing which way we are going, times of sadness alongside times of joy. No one place is the best to be.  Each direction, each place of being, is just where we are right now.  By honouring all four directions, we find balance & healing in our lives. 


So here is a spiritual practice you might like to try, alone or as a family, outside if possible, but inside would also work. Face each direction & ask the question:

East: What are the possibilities that are rising in your life right now?

            with children: What would you like to try doing that you haven’t tried before?


South: What are the beginnings & endings for you right now? the falling downs & getting back ups?      with children: What mistake have you made? What did you learn from it?


West: What or who gives you strength in your life?

            with children: What is your favourite place just to sit & think & dream?



North: What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned about your own abilities in life?

            with children: What is the biggest challenge in your life? Who helps you with that challenge?


Down to the Earth: What are your fears, your joys, your sorrows, your frustrations, your hopes?

            with children: What are you happy about, sad about, worried about, frustrated about?


Up to the Sky: adults & children: Talk to God about how you are feeling, what you need help with and anything you’d like to share with our Creator who is bigger than any problem we face, who loves us more than we imagine.  End with giving thanks to God and to all of creation and to each other for this time.

©Susan Lukey 2014