Tikkun Olam – The Repair of the World


We all know that we live in a broken world.  In the beginning, God declared that creation was very good.  Yet, it is easy to look around and find so many situations in our own lives and around the earth that are not good.  Children notice and are touched by the pain and sorrow in the world as well.


In Jewish wisdom, there is the concept of “tikkun olam,” a phrase which means “repair of the world.”  The idea is that we as human beings have a role to play in making this world a better place.  We are not meant to wait for God to fix the world.  We are meant to be partners with God in fixing the world, and doing more than that – improving the world.


I invite you to introduce your family to the idea of tikkun olam.  With children, you might use some band-aides and an old globe or a map of the world.  Talk about the things they know about that are broken in the world – people who are hungry, climate change, a friend who is sick, animals near extinction, kids who are bullied, etc.   Put a band-aide on the globe or map for each situation you talk about. 


Then introduce the idea of tikkun olam. Talk about how each of us can be part of repairing the world and making it a better place.  Every one of our words or actions can make a difference.  Brainstorm some ideas about what each of you would like to do.


Here are some ways to start:

  1. say a prayer.  A simple prayer such as “God bless…..” or “God, please be with……”
  2. look for good things around you rather than looking for what is wrong
  3. name at least one thing for which you are grateful before you go to sleep or at supper
  4. smile at people when you pass them on the street or in the hallway
  5. write a thank you note to someone who wouldn’t expect it
  6. lend a helping hand to someone who needs it
  7. notice the sunset or a bird or a flower, and say, “Thank you, God.”
  8. share a snack with a friend

Mostly it is about remembering that our words and actions make a difference.  We can choose that they make a positive difference.  We can choose to be part of the mending of the world and the improvement of the world.  Sometimes we might mess up and say or do something that isn’t helpful.  That happens to all of us.  But then we just take a deep breath and go back to adding goodness to the world.


It is simple but profound.  We are God’s valued partners in repairing the world, in seeking goodness and justice, in working for an end to suffering, in bringing light and hope and love in other people’s lives.  God didn’t make us to be spectators or victims.  God made us to be active in the mending and repairing and improving of this tattered, broken world.  What an awesome role we have!

September 22, 2016                  ©Susan Lukey 2016