In this light mystery novel, there is a burglar in the small town of Morning Shade, Arkansas.  However, this burglar doesn’t steal.  Instead, the burglar redecorates, rearranges furniture, cleans closets, puts up new art work – in fact, spends money to make other people’s homes look better.  And most of the time, those whose houses have been “burglarized” appreciate the improvement.


Frustrated author, Maude Diamond, discovers, in this real life mystery, the inspiration for the book she is writing and it pulls her out of writer’s block, while also helping her deal with her personal reality of being a new widow and the primary caregiver for her mother-in-law, her daughter and her daughter’s three dogs, who all now must live with her.


In the end, as Maude seeks to live her Christian faith, will she sell the story as her own or hit the delete key on her computer?


Find out how this mystery unfolds – the book is in our High River United Church Library

Review by Rev. Susan