High River United Church of High River, Alberta

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  Date: Sunday, April 09, 2017       Teacher: Rev. Susan Lukey     Duration: 23 mins 12 secs    
  Description: This is the second part of the recording of most of the service in which the children dramatized the story of Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem. (Look for Part 1 above) Palm Sunday conversations were the way we imagined street corner conversations in Jerusalem. The African American spiritual, "Were you there?" formed the inspiration for these conversations and was played on flute by Rev. David after every conversation.
  Date: Sunday, April 02, 2017       Teacher: Rev. David L.S. Robertson     Duration: 17 mins 39 secs    
  Description: Jesus always found a way to twist and turn a phrase in order to help his followers learn. This is what parables do best and why I think Jesus used them a lot. The parable of the good Samaritan is a great example of Jesus’ teaching tactics. Honestly, the lawyer answers well. He knows the law and he knows that the heart of the law is to, “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength and your neighbour as yourself.” The whole transaction would have sufficed right there if the lawyer hadn’t fallen into his need to be clever. But Jesus entertains the lawyer’s coy approach and digs in. He goes after the definition of neighbour and advances it. I’m not sure it was the answer that the lawyer expected. He would have expected: love the neighbours that you know, that bring casseroles when you’re sick, that look like you, that make the same amount of money, that are members of the firm. I think the parable about the Samaritan would have surprised the lawyer quite a bit, because the most respected ones in this parable are the least effective and least helpful. The one who showed mercy is the one least trusted and the furthest away from being liked. Strangers and neighbours, respected ones and disrespected ones are all mixed up in this story. I imagine the lawyer having to reconfigure his thinking as he walks away from this exchange with Jesus. It is a very human thing to distrust differences and fear what we don’t know or understand. In the early stages of our development as humans, these traits served human survival. Embedded in our human DNA like all creatures, is a cautionary gene that serves up distrust and fear in the presence of danger or the unknown. This gene is normal and is designed to move us to caution so that we stay safe. Makes sense. This gene helps us navigate the dangers of life whether that be cross walks, grizzly bears, dark alleys, and lightning storms. It helps us be cautionary and reduce the risk of danger. It’s a good thing. It helps us survive and evolve. The shadow side of this cautionary gene is that it spawns fear between humans. The worst expression of this fear leads to genocide and war. It still does. However, now we are globalized and never before have humans had so much capacity to move around the planet bringing with them culinary, dietary, cultural, social and spiritual practices. This also creates numerous fears around immigration and economics that give rise to racism and populist politics. It seems we can’t help ourselves. The cautionary gene is powerful.
  Date: Sunday, March 26, 2017       Teacher: Rev. Susan Lukey     Duration: 27 mins 16 secs    
  Description: Rev. Susan answers questions about what the United Church believes, why we understand scripture the way we do, what our view on Medically Assistance in Dying is, and gives some history of the United Church of Canada.
  Date: Sunday, March 19, 2017       Teacher: Revs. Susan/David     Duration: 25 mins 15 secs    
  Description: Rev. Susan & Rev. David speak about what it means to follow the Way of Jesus, the challenges, the joys, and the compelling nature of Jesus' command to love neighbour, stranger and enemy. They explore what being born again means from a United Church point of view (it's not a one time event), and talk about salvation - which means healing and wholeness. Jesus says to the disciples, "I will make you fish for people." How are we reeled in by God's love and how do we go out to share God's love and reel others in?
  Date: Sunday, March 12, 2017       Teacher: Rev. Susan Lukey     Duration: 24 mins 7 secs    
  Description: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…. On Easter Sunday each year, there are an estimated 2 billion people who pray the Lord’s Prayer, rolling out across the time zones, through churches of every Christian denomination and in hundreds of languages. Every Sunday, time zone by time zone, the Lord’s Prayer is said over and over again, enfolding the whole earth in the words of hope and love expressed in this prayer. Through the course of Christian history, as Christianity has spread around the world, typically the first text to be translated into the language of the region has been be the Lord’s Prayer, long before the whole Bible was translated. When we pray together the Lord’s Prayer in this sanctuary each Sunday, I hear far more voices than can be accounted for by the people present. I believe that it is the communion of saints who join us, all the past generations who have gathered on this spot, their voices echoing with us the words taught by Jesus and repeated so many times in this place, as well as around the world. The Lord’s Prayer it is called, shared by Jesus in response to the disciples’ query, “Lord, teach us to pray….” It is very Jewish in many ways, reflecting the Jewishness of Jesus, his upbringing, his faith tradition. Various of the prayer’s lines are found scattered through Jewish prayers. An evening prayer said in some Jewish communities shares the familiar lines: “Our God in heaven, hallow thy name, and establish thy kingdom forever, and rule over us for ever and ever. Amen.” At the same time, it is very much the prayer of the Christian community. Prayed daily by many, by some countless times daily. Shared across denominations, continents & centuries. Meditated upon.Preached upon. Prayed by rote, day by day. Prayed by rote – by memory. And sometimes we say it so automatically that we don’t always think of the words. Is that bad? Not really. I think that the act of praying together, of letting ourselves be lost in the prayer, also serves a purpose of filling our souls and connecting us with God and with the Christian community. Yet there are times when we need to stop and think about what we’re praying. That’s what we’re going to do today.
  Date: Sunday, March 05, 2017       Teacher: Rev. David L.S. Robertson     Duration: 25 mins 32 secs    
  Description: Annie Dillard a well known American writer once said, “On the whole, I do not find Christians, outside of the catacombs, sufficiently sensible of conditions. Does anyone have the foggiest idea what sort of power we so blithely invoke? Or, as I suspect, does no one believe a word of it? ….It is madness to wear ladies’ straw hats and velvet hats to church; we should all be wearing crash helmets. Ushers should issue life preservers and signal flares; they should lash us to our pews. For the sleeping God may wake someday and take offense, or the waking God may draw us out to where we can never return.” I first encountered these words several years ago, and I’m still pondering them. Do we have the foggiest idea of the power we so blithely invoke? Or, that the waking God may draw us out to where we can never return? Crash helmets and life preservers, indeed. But it was exactly this quote that came to mind as I set before me the task of walking around the significance of the cross in the Christian faith. To consider the cross is an invitation to enter a hard-hat zone because it involves life and death. We might want to hold on tight. We might want to prepare for the very real possibility that we will not return to our life as we know it because where those two beams intersect is the epicenter of God’s transforming power. Let me be clear. We are fooling ourselves if we think we can sanitize and domesticate this power in order to feel good about ourselves and avoid the real wood and nails of its significance. The cross was one of the most brutal and public forms of Roman torture and execution. It was used to send powerful signals to anyone or any group that opposed Rome or was perceived as a threat. It was designed to quell any hint of revolution. Rome’s strategy was to take out the leaders of such groups. Jesus was believed to be a danger to Roman peace (pax romana).
  Date: Sunday, February 26, 2017     Duration: 13 mins 33 secs    
  Description: You might sit here in this congregation, thinking that everyone around you has such a strong faith, a solid faith, immoveable faith, and that you alone are feeling doubts and grief and confusion. You might wonder why you bother coming when you feel no faith at the moment! But, if I did have people put up their hands to declare how much faith they feeling at the moment, what I am sure you would discover is that the people beside you are also in various stages of doubt and faith, trust and turmoil, joy and grief. You are not alone. Truthfully, I’d rather be in worship with a group of people who are filled with inner struggles, turmoil, grief, fear and sadness, a group of people who feel fragile in faith, than with only people who are absolutely, positively certain of their faith. This is the kingdom of God right here – when all of us who are questioning, doubting, believing, wondering, rejoicing & grieving are gathered. We need to be together, not because we are strong & sure in faith, but because we are willing to journey in faith together.
  Date: Sunday, February 19, 2017       Teacher: Revs. Susan/David     Duration: 26 mins 34 secs    
  Description: Rev. David & Rev. Susan talk about the Spirit of God. How do we know the Spirit? What is the Spirit's role in our lives? Why would we want the Spirit of God active in our lives and our congregation?
  Date: Sunday, February 12, 2017       Teacher: Rev. David L.S. Robertson     Duration: 21 mins 10 secs    
  Description: Well, I think it means that sometimes we believe our Christian life is separate from our work life, our retired life, our parenting life, even our worship life--that sometimes we think we can be a different person in each of those places. My church life is Sunday morning. My retired life is what I choose to do. My work life is who I am at work. My parenting life is who I am with my children. Do you see how we can compartmentalize parts of ourselves into mini-me’s depending on where we are and what we are doing? I think we do this a lot and don’t really know that we are doing it. However when we do this to ourselves, it severely limits our capacity to be fully who we are because we end up defining ourselves by the box we happen to be in in the moment and not by who our faith in God calls us to be
  Date: Sunday, February 05, 2017       Teacher: Revs. Susan/David     Duration: 23 mins 4 secs    
  Description: Rev. Susan & Rev. David converse about the moments in their lives when they have experienced the presence of Jesus, who Jesus is for them now, and how they understand what Jesus came to do. As apprentices of the Way of Jesus, who are we committed to following? How do you picture Jesus?



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123 MacLeod Trail S.W. High River, Alberta.

(403) 652-3168


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