Sunday, June 11, 2017

Is Jesus just a memory or is Jesus something more?

Luke 24:13-35 by Rev. Susan Lukey
Series:Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Is Jesus just a memory – a memory of a nice, loving, kind, caring person? Is Jesus just a memory or is Jesus something more? A memory is what the disciples thought he was going to be as they walked the road from Jerusalem toward Emmaus. It was a seven mile or 12 kilometre walk – steeply downhill on the way to Emmaus, which was the path they were taking at the moment when this story is captured. Two disciples, Cleopas & another, not from the inner circle of the Twelve, walking and talking after all the events of the past week – triumphant entry into Jerusalem, teaching at the temple, Jesus’ fit of anger at the same temple, sharing the Passover meal, praying in the garden (though some of them slept more than they prayed), and then the horror, the nightmare, of Jesus’ arrest, trial and crucifixion. Even the news from Peter and Mary Magdalene that the tomb was empty and that Jesus had risen from the dead only added to the overwhelming feelings and thoughts racing through their heads. A 12 kilometer walk was just what they needed – a day’s journey to process all that had happened and try to make sense of it all. But these two disciples fully expected that Jesus was now just a memory. Even reports of his resurrection wouldn’t have fully changed their expectations. They would remember Jesus, lovingly, gratefully, but memories were all they now had of Jesus. No more teaching on the hillside. No more boat rides across the Sea of Galilee. No more late night discussions around the fire. No more feeding thousands of people with 5 loaves and 2 fish. It was amazing while it lasted, but now it was a memory. Jesus was a memory. That’s what they were thinking when a stranger joined them on the road. It was always better to travel in groups along this stretch of road known for robbers and bandits (think the story of the Good Samaritan). So the two disciples gladly welcomed this traveller to journey with them as they continued on to Emmaus.
Duration:20 mins 56 secs