Sunday, May 07, 2017

Food (& other resources) are better when shared

Luke 9:10-17 & 1 John 3:16-18 by Rev. David L.S. Robertson
Series:Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

I have the fondest memories of eating with friends at their place. I notice how I relax into their presence knowing that all I have to do is enjoy the food, the conversation, and the relationship. Food is glorious and seems to taste even better when cooked by someone else. It gives rise to so many occasions that tend to the well-being of our body, mind and spirit. It's no wonder then, that food plays such a central role in the Bible. Food is mentioned all over the place—from the feast on God’s holy mountain, to references of dates and pomegranates, to eating with tax collectors and sinners, to simple suppers of bread and fish which as it turns out, feeds the masses. The Bible is full of stories that connect food with healing and compassion, love and intimacy, neighbours and friends. In today’s readings from Luke and 1 John there are two imperatives that surface for me. In Luke’s story about bread and fish, the imperative is to provide. In the letter of 1 John the imperative is to love. Both imperatives are rooted in the heart of God. There is a common wisdom that says food tastes extra special when it is prepared in love. The words from each of the readings today are embraced by love that is expressed through compassionate acts of provision and kindness. As I sit with today’s readings, I realize again that the best expression of the Christian faith is when we share our resources, when we make sacrificial gestures of generosity in order to ensure the well-being of one another and the community around us.
Duration:14 mins 33 secs