Sunday, May 22, 2016

Abiding in the Aliveness of Christ

John 15:1-12 & Colossians 3:1-17 by Rev. David L.S. Robertson

I have been watching my clematis inch its way up the back fence. I marvel how it attaches with its spiral-like tendrils to the chain link in a way that is strong and secure. Occasionally, I need to remove some of the vines in order to help shape it, otherwise it seems to overgrow and become unwieldly. Tending to the clematis reminds me of today’s reading from John. There is so much in John’s imagery about the vine. There is so much here about connection and support, nourishment and abiding. We remove the old growth—the wood that no longer serves, or the growth that seems to produce nothing. We make room for new growth. We protect the vines that are flowering, tend to them and encourage them to flower more. And just as the branch with its fruit cannot survive without being attached to the vine neither can we live if we are not connected with the wisdom of God revealed in the teaching of Jesus. I am the vine says, Jesus. You are the branches. Abide in me.
Duration:24 mins 32 secs