Sunday, March 27, 2016

We are Part of Something Much Greater than Grief & Fear

Luke 24:1-35 by Rev. Susan Lukey

Christ is Risen! Christ is risen indeed. Hallelujah! Those are powerful words. When we gather in this place together, we are part of something much bigger than anyone of us individually, something much more powerful, full of possibility and wonder and hope. For….. Christ is Risen! Christ is risen indeed. Hallelujah! But on that Sunday morning, as the disciples rose on the third day after the horror of the crucifixion, all they could think of was that Jesus was dead. We know that feeling – you wake up-- in that first moment, all seems well and then the truth hits – your beloved is not there, will not be there today. Your job is gone. You are infertile. Your home has been flooded. And the waves of grief begin once again. We know what the disciples felt like as they faced another day without Jesus, another day without the rabbi who had shaped their days with love, compassion and challenging teachings. He was gone. The truth sank in a little bit more, as they tried to eat food that their stomachs didn’t want. Then suddenly there were voices – women’s voices – saying that Jesus had risen from the dead.
Duration:7 mins 6 secs