Sunday, December 06, 2015

What to do with Virgin Birth?

Luke 1:5-55 by Rev. Susan Lukey

Virgin Birth! We are taking the Bible seriously rather than literally so let’s figure out what is meant by virgin birth. In our scientific culture, when confronted by a story of virgin birth, we are typically given two options: accept virgin birth on faith, putting our scientific minds in a back cupboard while enjoying the story, or reject virgin birth as not scientifically possible and relegate the Christmas story to the realm of fairy tales. But when we take the Bible seriously, not literally, we are offered a third option of not getting caught up in the debate around virgin birth, and looking instead at what the story is trying to tell us about faith in God and the relationship between humans and God. So here we go—what can we learn from this story?
Duration:28 mins 10 secs